# (decoded with TMPL 135) NumErrs: (52 entries) 0: Error: -1302 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'notAFileErr' Description: 'A file was found instead of the expected directory.' 1: Error: -199 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'mapReadErr' Description: 'Resource map attributes prevent modification.' 2: Error: -198 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'resAttrErr' Description: 'Resource attributes prevent modification.' 3: Error: -197 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'rmvRefFailed' Description: 'Removing a resource reference failed.' 4: Error: -196 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'rmvResFailed' Description: 'Removing a resource failed.' 5: Error: -195 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'addRefFailed' Description: 'Adding a resource reference failed.' 6: Error: -194 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'addResFailed' Description: 'Adding a resource failed.' 7: Error: -193 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'resFNotFound' Description: 'Resource file not found.' 8: Error: -192 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'resNotFound' Description: 'A required resource is missing or cannot be loaded due to lack of memory.' 9: Error: -186 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'CantDecompress' Description: 'Cannot decompress a resource.' 10: Error: -185 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'badExtResource' Description: 'Extended resource has a bad format.' 11: Error: -120 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'dirNFErr' Description: 'Directory not found.' 12: Error: -117 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memLockedErr' Description: 'Tried to move a locked memory block.' 13: Error: -116 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memSCErr' Description: 'Memory Size Check failed.' 14: Error: -115 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memBCErr' Description: 'Memory Block Check failed.' 15: Error: -114 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memPCErr' Description: 'Memory Pointer Check failed.' 16: Error: -113 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memAZErr' Description: 'Memory Zone Check failed.' 17: Error: -112 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memPurErr' Description: 'Tried to purge a locked or non-purgeable memory block.' 18: Error: -111 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memWZErr' Description: 'WhichZone failed when applied to free memory block.' 19: Error: -110 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memAdrErr' Description: 'Odd memory address accessed or address out of range.' 20: Error: -109 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'nilHandleErr' Description: 'Master pointer was NULL in its current memory HandleZone.' 21: Error: -108 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'memFullErr' Description: 'Out of memory, heap is full.' 22: Error: -61 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'wrPermErr' Description: 'Write permissions error.' 23: Error: -60 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'badMDBErr' Description: 'Bad master directory block.' 24: Error: -59 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'fsRnErr' Description: 'File Sys internal rename error, old entry deleted but not restored.' 25: Error: -58 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'extFSErr' Description: 'Volume belongs to an external FS.' 26: Error: -57 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'noMacDskErr' Description: 'Either not a Macintosh disk or perhaps an infected or corrupted disk.' 27: Error: -56 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'nsDrvErr' Description: 'Tried to mount a bad drive number, no such drive.' 28: Error: -55 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'volOnLinErr' Description: 'Drive volume already on-line at MountVol.' 29: Error: -54 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'permErr' Description: 'Open permissions error.' 30: Error: -53 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'volOffLinErr' Description: 'Volume is off-line or ejected.' 31: Error: -52 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'gfpErr' Description: 'Cannot get file position.' 32: Error: -51 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'rfNumErr' Description: 'RefNum error.' 33: Error: -50 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'paramErr' Description: 'Function command given was invalid or unrecognized.' 34: Error: -49 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'opWrErr' Description: 'File already open for writing.' 35: Error: -48 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'dupFNErr' Description: 'Duplicate filename, already used.' 36: Error: -47 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'fBsyErr' Description: 'File is busy, cannot be deleted.' 37: Error: -46 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'vLckdErr' Description: 'Volume is locked, cannot be modified.' 38: Error: -45 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'fLckdErr' Description: 'File is locked, cannot be modified.' 39: Error: -44 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'wPrErr' Description: 'Disk is write protected, cannot be modified.' 40: Error: -43 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'fnfErr' Description: 'File not found.' 41: Error: -42 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'tmfoErr' Description: 'Too many files open.' 42: Error: -41 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'mFulErr' Description: 'Insufficient memory to open file, or tried to load file that would not fit.' 43: Error: -40 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'posErr' Description: 'Tried to position to before start of file during a read or write.' 44: Error: -39 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'eofErr' Description: 'Unexpected end of file found, perhaps due to file damage.' 45: Error: -38 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'fnOpnErr' Description: 'File not open.' 46: Error: -37 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'bdNamErr' Description: 'Bad file name.' 47: Error: -36 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'ioErr' Description: 'I/O error, possibly due to a bad file, disk, driver, or hardware problem.' 48: Error: -35 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'nvsErr' Description: 'No such volume.' 49: Error: -34 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'dskFulErr' Description: 'Disk full.' 50: Error: -33 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'dirFulErr' Description: 'Directory full.' 51: Error: 0 HelpID: 0 ConstName : 'noErr' Description: 'No error detected.'